integrative learning

Core Resources

(Please note that we have identified some of the sources for the books. We are not recommending these as the only outlets. Some titles have imbedded links that you can click for ordering. You may find some that are less expensive and have a faster delivery service.)

On Curating Resources

These resources have been carefully chosen to not only set the context for integrative learning, but also provide paradigm-shifting wisdom for conceptualizing the future of humanity and the role of education.

They are sequenced during the course of study to provide a holonic inquiry, growing in amplitude and building on threaded learning experiences.

Abram, D., (1996). The spell of the sensuous. New York, NY: Random House.

Berry, T. (1999). The great work: Our way into the future. Bell Tower. NY

Bohm, D. (1996). On dialogue. New York: Routledge [Needed during first two months of the program.]

Briggs, J., & Peat, F. D. (1999). Seven life lessons of chaos: Spiritual wisdom from the science of change. Harper Collins. [Needed during first two months of the program.]

Buzan, T. (2018). Mind map mastery: The complete guide to learning and using the most powerful thinking tool in the universe. Watkins. iMindMap. (2015, January 26).

How to mind map with Tony Buzan [Video file]. Retrieved from

Capra, F., & Luisi, P. L. (2014). The systems view of life: A unifying vision. Cambridge University Press. [Resource Text Book]

Fouts, R. (1997) Next of kin: What chimpanzees have taught me about who we are. William Morrow and Company. [Needed during first three months of the program.]

Choose One:

Clark, E. (1997). Designing and Implementing and Integrated Curriculum. Holistic Education Press.


Gang, P. S. (1989). Rethinking education: A new look at educational philosophy in the context of cultural change, applying that philosophy to secondary education. Dagaz Press. [Free download from Campus Library]

(It may be a good idea to use the Clark book as your main source and the Gang book for exploring – especially if you work with adolescents.)

Resources Cont’d:

Gang, P., (2015). Cosmos, Gaia and Eros: Integrative Learning, Creativity and the Primal Paradox. Retrieved from

de Grasse Tyson, N., & Ferguson, J. (2007). The cosmic perspective. Natural History, 116(3), 22.

Gang, P. (2017) To Educate Eco-Sapiens. [Online movie] Retrieved from here.

Gang, P., &  Morgan, M. (1988) Our planet, our home, Dagaz Press. Rev. 2004. Purchase here.

Ken Robinson on Schools and Creativity,

Hahn, T.H. (1990) (Peace Is Every Step) (Free pdf)

Krishnamurti, J. (1953) Education and the significance of life. Harper & Row. [this web link as well]

Morgan, M. (1999) An ecogenesis for education. Unpublished thesis. (PDF file linked to the syllabus.)

Orr, D. W. (2004). Earth in mind: On education, environment, and the human prospect. Washington, DC: Island Press. [Needed during first three months of the program.]

Perrin, R., (2017) Pocket guide to APA style (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Rogin, N., & Dellinger, D. (2006). The awakening universe. DVD. SanFrancisco: The Pachamama Alliance. [Needed during first three months of the program.]

Purdue “OWL” Online Writing Lab for APA Referencing for all integrative papers, the research paper and culminating project.

Skolimowski, H., (1984). The theatre of the mind: Evolution in the sensitive cosmos. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing.

Choose One:

Uhl, C. (2003). Developing ecological consciousness: Path to a sustainable world. Rowman & Littlefield. (For students working with secondary and adults


Stone, M. K., & Barlow, Z. (Eds.). (2012). Ecological literacy: Educating our children for a sustainable world. Sierra Club Books. For students working with birth through 12 years.

Resources Cont’d:

Swimme, B.T. & Tucker, M.E. (2011) Journey of the Universe. Yale University Press.  (We recommend the video as well.)

Solomon, P. T., (Director). (2011). Finding Joe. [Motion picture]. [A film that explores the studies of mythologist Joseph Campbell]. United States: Balcony Releasing

Wenzel, B. (2016) They All Saw A Cat, Charles Books, San Francisco.

Wheatley, M. (1992). Leadership and the new science.  Berrett Koehler

Varela, F. (2005). Monte Grande. What is life. DVD Video (Amazon link) (Additional related reading will be posted to Syllabus.)

Highly Recommended Web Sites:

Center for Ecoliteracy

Fritjof Capra

Center for the Story of the Universe

Highly Recommended but not required:

Bridges, William. Transitions. Addison-Wesley. 1980

Bryson, Bill. A short History of Nearly Everything. Broadway Books. NY 2003 ISBN 0-7679-0817-1

Cosmic Voyage, Narrated by Morgan Freeman. 1996

Stewart, Iain. How to Grow a Planet BBC Documentary DVD

Shedlrake, Ruppert. Science Set Free. Random House. 2013

Recommended but not required:

Gang, Philip et al. Conscious Education. IVL Press 1992 [email for availability]

Gatto, John. The Underground History of American Education. Odysseus Group.

Hawken, Paul, Lovins, A. and Lovins H. Natural Capitalism. Little Brown & Co. 1999  ISBN 0-316-35300-0

Heider, John. Tao of Leadership. 1985  ISBN 0-553-25788

Laszlo, Ervin. System View of the World: A Holistic Vision for Our Time. Hampton Press. 1996

Metzner, Ralph. Green Psychology. Park Street. Rochester, Vermont 1999

Miller, John. The Holistic Curriculum. OISE. Toronto; 1996, University of Toronto Press  [416-978-2293 ext 254; or customer service (toll free) 800-565-9523]

Montessori, Mario, Jr. Education for Human Development

Sahtouris, Elisabet.  Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution. Hardcopy and paperback. (ISBN: 0-595-13067-4) or free download here.

Swimme, Brian and Berry, Thomas. The Universe Story. Harper. 1992 ISBN 006-250826-1

Sylwester, Robert. A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom. Corwin Press. 2000. (

Van der Ryn, Som and Cowan, Stewart. Ecological Design. Island Press 1996. ISBN 1-55963-389-1


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