Here, Montessori directly connects the process of normalization and the development of love. Some of the traits of normalization include, but are limited to, deep concentration, collaboration, repetition, empathy, humility, compassion, independence, cooperation, and love of silence.
It is in this manual for Casa dei Bambini without description of how to present it. The presentation is readily available online. However, we suggest just having the small green unit cube through wooden thousand cube on the mat. After presenting and matching the golden beads to these wooden materials, the question is posed, “I wonder what comes next?”
After a few moments the guide and one other child retrieve the 10,000 wood representation hidden in a closet or under a felt mat. Same hidden process for the 100,000 and 1,000,000 except two children are invited. Perhaps ask, Can you imagine what might come after the million cube? How big would it be?