
Biophilia Combats Stress

Biophilia Combats Stress

Edward O. Wilson, who named the biophilia hypothesis, says that humans “have an urge to affiliate with other forms of life.” Philip Snow Gang calls it love: “Love as biophilia is a sensitivity and respect for life in all its manifestations” (Educating for Right-Action and Love, p.187).

I fear that sometimes we take that love for granted, almost forgetting that it’s there. I think of my friends who motivate themselves to go for a run by sticking in ear buds and listening to someone tell them a story. I think of those who can’t be without recorded music. Often when we’re in nature, our collective ears seem to be stuffed with that that is not nature.

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Modeling a Healthy Use of Technology for Ourselves and Our Children

Modeling a Healthy Use of Technology for Ourselves and Our Children

It has been a year since the world took a turn that no one was expecting nor for which anyone was prepared. In that year, as educators, we have scrambled to stay true to who we are while still meeting our students’ and schools’ needs. Throughout this upheaval, this global chaos, I have reflected a good deal on the exceptional works I read during my time in TIES. I have thought about chaos theory, quantum physics, neurophenomenology, and a lot about the prepared environment. As educators, we were constantly reacting to factors and decisions beyond our control. Our prepared environment altered to an almost unrecognizable state as we continually looked for the end of the chaos.

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Exploring Learning Possibilities and the Integrative Structure of Life through Mindfulness and Montessori Education

Exploring Learning Possibilities and the Integrative Structure of Life through Mindfulness and Montessori Education

I have found that observing the present moment with clear, non-judging attention gives the space to explore the mind’s natural balance and discernment which have been there waiting to unfold. In life, where learning cannot be separated from the environment, connecting all life experiences with curiosity could transform this curiosity into insightful creative learning experiences, in which one might find something unique to contribute to the world.

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Tammy Oesting – Montessorian

Tammy Oesting – Montessorian

It was one of those long-shot ideas formulated in an online conversation with my dear friend Andy Lulka.  Did she think her mentor, Dr. Philip Snow Gang, might be interested in speaking to the greater Montessori community through an online conference? She wondered...

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Adolescents as Guides

Adolescents as Guides

Mentors and apprentices are partners in an ancient human dance, and one of teaching’s great rewards is the daily chance it gives us to get back on the dance floor. It is the dance of the spiraling generations, in which the old empower the young with their experience...

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The Cosmic Citizen

The Cosmic Citizen

The Cosmic CitizenBy Lauren de BoerPlanet Earth, turning and turning, transmutes the rays of the Sun to a dazzling multiplicity of form and expression, an alchemy of tassel and leaf, fin and feather, eye and bone; all are progeny of a planet in reverie. And the dream...

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Food Eros

Food Eros

From Kate Hofstetter, TIES Alumna My recent learning and teaching projects have brought me into communion with natural food production. Lying in the prickly, three-inch, match weed (Phyla Nodiflora) that mats a swath of earth outside my boat, observing bees...

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